Why is it an Ambiguity?

 "Jo bhi hoga dekha jayega"- is the literal translation of whatever will be, will be. Whatever happens in our life is not in our control, we need to understand this. I met a few humans who'd like to think that all the circumstances are in our hands but no, they are not. If I'm sitting in my five story apartment and there is an earthquake, the building falls and I die, was that my fault? Was the circumstance in my control? No, because the humans we live with, everything and everyone counts. 

When we fall in love, that person stays in our head for a very long time, whenever we look at them, we smile from our hearts, our eyes speak that happiness our words can't say. We wish to see them all the time, everywhere we go, we pray the best for them and we give our best but when two souls are not meant to be together, why can't we let those go, the memories and all the parts we hold close to ourselves? Why do we attach ourselves from those beautifully haunting memories?

Life is all about moving on, we all know this but sometimes we forget. We forget that the moon is not only shining for us but for everyone in the world so don't hold it close saying "the moon is mine". 

Just accept that the person was there, that person was a part in your life but now it's over. Just accept that you two had a connection but now they have changed, they have their priorities and you need to focus on your life too and let it go, let it all go in the thin air, disappear, just like them.

 Accept, they have left with the wind..


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