How can you be peace?
I'm sick of being a person; please turn me into a photograph or a painting. The art is what makes me melt. If you're an artist, then you've got me. Make me into something spectacular so that people may observe, adore, and applaud me from a distance while still allowing me to be who I am. She questioned how I managed to be calm amidst all the smoke, and I replied, "Looking at you gives me peace." It was a love I had never experienced before. It calmed everything around me. It was frenetic before I met her, but afterward, she had the ability to calm me down and put me to sleep, even in a noisy setting, because she was the peace I constantly needed. I was still baffled as to how that vibrant space with its lone white wall could disturb such a lovely mind. It wasn't a spiritual creature; rather, It was merely a room with walls, windows, and chairs. The mystery remains..